Page name: Fake Goths [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-08-27 06:41:48
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   You see children, these horrible little beings reproduce at an incredible rate, fueled by a mixture of Hot Topic and Marilyn Manson. If they are not stopped the gothic subculture and music itself will be forgotten. It is already taking a beating by everyone who mocks it out of ignorance. They make fun of it because they have never known what true goth is and their perceptions are blurred by what these little 'I-hate-the-world-because-mommy-doesn't-love-me-enough' teenagers are portraying. They will no longer be allowed to use this label.

   You'll notice I simply refer to goth as 'it' and don't list specific examples. Before you attempt to spam me and complain (you can, but I assure you it won't spoil my night) I will say now that I do this to protect what this wiki stands for: REVEALING THE FALSE. Now, if I were to give them a hint or ground for their claims that would ruin this whole self-righteousness I have filled myself with.

Well, well, [Nymphette]. It's nice to know that your copy and paste skills aren't lacking.
When asked what goth was, as she claims she is in her profile (and all those that say they are goth, upon joining must explain what it is), she gave me a beautiful little explanation. I thought something was wrong with it though, as can be seen below in the wiki page containing it. I did a search to find out if my suspicions were correct, and they were.
Look familiar, Nymphette?
For being a cunt, you have been removed. I don't want whining either. You fucked up, not me.
Liar FG

Banners are up. Stick one in your house and show your support, douche and/or join the member list.
Fake Goth Banners
FG Members

And speaking of this:
The following fake goths need to remove our banner. You won't avoid ridicule by pretending to be a member. In fact, you'll be ridiculed even more.

[samantha louise!]

Originally this was a dear little list of Elftown members who are 'Fake Goths'. Now, as this appears to have become a problem with the number of reports sent to the guards, the list has been deleted and this will now serve as a forum to discuss this ongoing problem. Apparently people don't appreciate having their accounts violated. Ah, well. Either way, this wiki will continue as before, just without the list.

FG Supported Wikis
fake goths lost list


Temporary notice!
As [cuntstitches] is no longer able to devote her time to tending to her dear wiki, I [Lost in Illusions] have volunteered to take over for the time being.
That's right.
I'm the new master.
Bow down, bitches.

Username (or number or email):


2005-06-28 [AbLam]: Yeah well about them...TEEPEES?

2005-06-28 [Rambert]: YAAAAAY TEEPEES!!!!!!!!!

2005-06-28 [drakkar]: they are fun

2005-06-28 [Rambert]: We used to have our own teepee ;_; *remembers fun times in the teepee*

2005-06-28 [drakkar]: sadly i only have a tent

2005-06-28 [AbLam]: Idon't even have that. He. Well where you been, LOTR?

2005-06-28 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: I don't even have one of those. Can I have your Drakkar?

2005-06-28 [Lost in Illusions]: nu! MY DRAKKAR!

2005-06-28 [drakkar]: *spins* you can have an auction i will make a wiki page for it in my spare time XD

2005-06-28 [Lost in Illusions]: hehehe, just thought it'd be a funny joke, since we all knew what she was saying, but it sounded different ^^';

2005-06-28 [drakkar]: XD

2005-06-28 [Lost in Illusions]: *huggles the [drakkar]* Me do loves him ^_^''

2005-06-28 [Drakkar the Dark]: -,-...thats because he is the good guy a knight in a knightless world..i need to punch him XD

2005-06-28 [Lost in Illusions]: *punches [drakkar] on the arm* There ya go.. done, and done.

2005-06-28 [Drakkar the Dark]: *removes shirt* the lower back if you would

2005-06-28 [Lost in Illusions]: *chuckles and punches [Drakkar the Dark]'s back lightly* is this nice?

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: i am going elsewhere because i am horny

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: hah! *follows behind*

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: *shifty eyes* someone following me...........ohh well *sinks into the ground*

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: o.o;; *blinks* Uh.. yeah...

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: *a tree pokes you*

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: *blinks again* Uh... hi?

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: *sitting on your right shoulder* oi

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: *blinks and falls over* Dont you know not to sit on weaklings? -_-';;

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: i didnt know you considered yourself to be

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, I am. I can barely lift half my weight.

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: meh it all depends on my zen ratio

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: so I suppose you were just levitating on my shoulder, then?

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: nope

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: *Shrugs* No matter.. we're both on the ground, now.

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: XD indeed

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: *straddles your hips and grins* Now.. what to do?

2005-06-29 [Drakkar the Dark]: XD i could juggle you with my feet like the wal whatever they ares

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: I believe the seals are what do that... why would you want to do that?

2005-06-29 [Simply Real]: Quoting psalm 10:4 "The wicked are to proud to seek God, they seem to think god is dead" I once had this view... I thought everything i had become in my life was all because of my own doings... one arrogant proud teen... Not the case, you wouldnt be where you are today if it wasnt for God. Qoting the same Psalm, verses 6 and 7. "they think, nothing bad will ever happend to us! we will be free of trouble forever!... If only that were the truth... You may find as you rebell, you only fall harder and faster in your life.. that is God Punishing you, as he once punished me muchly for spready sin, by selling drugs... what a miserable life that was!

2005-06-29 [Simply Real]: Psalm 10 verse 11 " The wicked think: God isnt watching us! He has closed his eyes and wont even see what we do!" If only that were the case....he sees and knows all, and will punish evil doers and people with harsh tongues.

2005-06-29 [Simply Real]: There is an incompatibility between blind arrogance and the presence of god in our hearts. Proud people depend on themselves rather than God. This causes God guiding influences to leave their lives. When gods presence is welcome, there is no room for pride because he makes us aware of our true selves.

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: you know, as I once said, I dont abor the Christian religion, though I dont follow it; I abhor, hate, and despise those that find it necessary to shove their religions down my throat. If what I am doing at this moment is "evil" in the eyes of "God," then may I be punished to the highest extent of his power. Though, in my belief to actually believe in anything is to give it power; therefore, since I dont believe in this "God" person, he must not be very powerful, ne? And further, to proclaim that I have no direction and am too proud to realize my true self is only revealing your own holier-than-thou arrogant attitude. In final reasoning, you must be the one who should get punished, since>

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: he supposedly punishes the sinners and "evil-doers." Such a funny term, evildoers, but that is another conversation entirely. My point over all is that I have not said one derrogatory remark of your beliefs before you barged in here and began preaching (and yes, this would be considered preaching) and proclaiming that every person on this wiki is a sinner and fool for our beliefs. My suggestion to you is to try to understand our viewpoints before officially denouncing them as "nothing" simply because we do not share you imminent belief in this one-true "God" and adhere to all of your rules and regulations.

2005-06-29 [Spanakopida]: I don't believe in god, I will never believe in god, and I don't plan on finding a way to believe in god. The end. You can not change anyone's mind unless they are willing to have it changed. I am firm in my beliefs, and if I go to hell, so be it, I deserve it. And if my heart is eaten by an egyptian crocidile god, that's okay. I don't mind being punished, but that is what I believe, and you will not be able to change it.

2005-06-29 [Simply Real]: mock me all you want, god puts this in my heart he guids me, and he WILL punish you. Calling the one who put life into you not powerful? tsk tsk... Interesting... do tell of the horrors that come your way when they do! hey man, we are all sinners its our freakin nature, and id if he was so displeased with me, hed let me know. i have other christians, sensative to the spirit realm, like me, telling me what a good job im doing soo... as soon as they say hey! your wrong! ill stop this. Im only pointing out truth, that one day you will realize, given that you turn to god and use WISDOM in your worlds, not just twisted KNOWLEDGE. i used to do what you did buddy... i was well... the same.

2005-06-29 [Simply Real]: spanakopidia... i used to hold the same beleife... but that life i led got to tiresome, god called out and i ignored again and again... and your life will be riddled with problems and punishment for that matter, and you will care! especiallys since time on earth is but a blink of an eye, and true life begins after death, should your paths continue till the end of your days like this, you will be spending that eternal after life in hell. Good luck with your moribd twsited ways... as i once lived.... for i have the scares to prove i was just as foolish, just as twisted, just as lost and decieved... just as rebellious.... and well... look at me now... ill share my testimony and maybe not you,

2005-06-29 [Simply Real]: but yes i will indeed change lives by their own choice and own free will, im not forcing anything should you feel that way, its your flesh crawling from what is known truth and pure fact!

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: let me put my experience with this "God" person you seem to be so fond of. I was led to believe in him for 15 years, raised Baptist. Then I realized that the Baptists were nothing but pompous self-righteous rich snots who believe that only they, as a person, are right, and if anyone disagrees they shall burn in eternal Hell. I then was led to the Catholic belief, which I must say was much better than where I was. Then I grew tired of believing in something that produced no results thus far, and I grew bored and annoyed with having to adhere to all of these rules that state if I dont follow them precisely, I go to this place named "Hell." From about 16-18 years-old, I tried>>

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: all religions from Bhuddism, Hinduism, Judaism, including Wicca and Satanism. All of these did not produce to me the results I wished, so I decided to form my own beliefs, since that is the best thing I know of. I live my life how I wish, conforming to what I see fit, and acting according to my personal moral maxim. Finally, I realized that this is the way to live, free of the binds of religion and society's stigma being shoved up my arse. I do not hold any true belief towards any one true "God" simply because I dont see proof. I know of what "miracles" have been told, but not seen any myself. I do have certain beliefs of a diety that may exist, though they are .. shallow>>>>>>>>>>>

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: , shall we say? My final point to you, Mr. Preacher-man, is that, though I may have alternative beliefs to your strict society, I have not once forced you to listen to them. So, please, do me a favor and desist your persistant whining, because those that wish to be "saved," as you so affectionately put it, shall seek answers, and those that wish to remain the way they are, such as myself, will not. Do not go looking for need, but let it come to you. *bows* Now, heed my advice, and listen to my words.

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: [Yay, it feels good to lecture and prove my point.. just wish these comment boxes held more.]

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: Oh my. *applauds*

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: *bows and smiles softly* Why, thank you. ^^'; I do try my best.

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: *grin* Excellently typed, honestly. I'll be reading your essays and whatnot soon, most likely tomorrow. :)

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: woohoo, I have a fan. ^^'; I wasnt offensive to anyone, was I? I was just stating my opinion.

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: No, I don't believe you were offensive. Well, to the Baptists, you were, calling them pompous, self-righteous rich snots. :P

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: meh, they know I'm right. they're rich, and probably too full of themselves to know that I'm even fucking with them. *shrugs* Not worth the spit it would take to ruin their gucci shoes, anyway.

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: lol! They probably don't care, if they're such snobs. They'll chalk it up to you being inferior to them or something. ;P Gucci shoes are overrated anyway.

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: yes, Gucci bags are what's in, now! [sweet sarcasm].

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: I don't think I could live without sarcasm and making fun of ignorant people. That just completes my life. :)

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: oh, I know. I dont even look for it, the idiots just come to me and write the insults for me xD

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: Oh but of course; it's not like I go out on the streets to find them. They miraculously happen to cross my path. :P They dig their own grave, hehe.

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: I know. And it's so fun to help them fall in.

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: You just can't help but push them over the edge of the well. Some just have it coming:

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: hehehe, lovely.

2005-06-29 [girl. interrupted.]: W00t! W00t! A big round of applause for Narcissist. Someone here has got to put Messiah wannabe in his place.

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: ^_^

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: APPLAUSE??? NARCISSIST, YOU DESERVE A NOBEL PEACE PRIZE(or something very similar)! I'll see you all in my friends...OW a mosquito bit me.

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: o.o *blinks* Uh... Yeah.. I dont think I deserve that much, but he needed to be shown a different perspective.

2005-06-29 [drakkar]: what i mis?

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: alot.

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: not much, really, just a lot of talking.. basically [Simply Real] came back and tried to preach about how we will all get our just rewards and punishments for our sins, saying that because we believe in nothing, we know nothing, therefore his "god" will strike us down and force us to believe in him/her/it.

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: Actually [girl. interrupted.] emailed me and told me that he said that he would 'read her house and then make her believe or something..]

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: *shrugs* I dont care what he does. I have my beliefs and only I may/will change them. He can not force me to do anything, but I will at least listen to his argument. When it gets to the way that he was, however, then I will simply cut him back to the way that he should be, a simple mind expressing his opinion to someone.

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: Yeah I am notquite as good at arguing as you are.

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: hehe, it's alright.. everyone has their strong suits. It took me years to build of this arguing thing, and I'm 20 years old, so you have some time ^^'; Foolish Preacher; it is now a wiki! Go.. marvel.. revel in my almighty pwn-ness!

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: You're 20? Oh okay that explains how you are going to college...

2005-06-29 [girl. interrupted.]: Oh, for some reason I thought you c_o colour me retarded...

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: we all worship the narcissist...........AHHGDHDGJHDsgjkaga

2005-06-29 [drakkar]: XD

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: what is the XD thingy?

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: hey, umm... i'm not sure what i do to askpermission to join this wiki...but can i join this wiki?

2005-06-29 [drakkar]: tis a face tilt your head to the left the X will be eyes and the D will be a mouth XD

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: Oooh! That is hilarious!

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: *shrugs* I"m not sure how you "ask" to join, since I joined a while ago.

2005-06-29 [Goldice]: dont you just add yourself?

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: I would believe so.

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: okey dokey

2005-06-29 [AbLam]: I just thought you had 2 add yourself...

2005-06-29 [Lost in Illusions]: yep. But no extra writing next to your name ^^';

2005-06-29 [girl. interrupted.]: You need a fuckin life you fuckin bitch gad just lookin at u u can tell that ur the most fuckin retarded person on the fuckin planet yu whore.-a message sent to me from [Happy to be.]...the name alone shows her lack of intelligence...*sighs*

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: gad? lmao, I can just imagine how that sounds. Look at her house... I... detect a lot of anger issues. ;P And she's 14? Nice. She just wants attention, is all. Poor girl. Pity her.

2005-06-29 [girl. interrupted.]: I know, exactly. Sure, I may be an ignorant 14 year old, but I am not a self-declared whore with a cause. And she contradicted herself, calling me a whore in the process.

2005-06-29 [girl. interrupted.]: How the fuck do u know what the fuck i look like, there couldn't be any1 uglyr then yu, you fucking slut. another message the girl sent me. What a weird one.

2005-06-29 [mutant virago]: LOL. And I'm fifteen, 16 in early September, so hurrah. :P Very true. If she's a whore and proud of it, if you were a whore too, that wouldn't be a bad thing at all. Not that weird. Actually, when I was in 6th or 7th grade, one of my oldest friends and I began to message people things like that, albeit with better grammar and spelling. XD

2005-06-30 [AbLam]: Well, she thinks she's smart...

2005-06-30 [Lost in Illusions]: heh.. I saw her. Typical idiot trying to look smarter.. I used ot have that "whore for love" name, but that wasnt all I was about, and it was more of a philosophical name.

2005-06-30 [AbLam]: Um whore for love isn't that philosophical.

2005-06-30 [Lost in Illusions]: it is when you think about the meaning I put behind it. but that's another story, and I am no longer who that was.

2005-06-30 [AbLam]: Hmm okay then.

2005-06-30 [Lost in Illusions]: blah.. I'm bored with this. Next subject, please.

2005-06-30 [AbLam]: okay...i'm all ears.

2005-06-30 [Rambert]: Who's seen the new Batman movie? I loved it!

2005-06-30 [AbLam]: Me! It was friggin awesome!

2005-07-01 [Rambert]: Yaaaaay! I went to see it with a bunch of my friends, and we ended up laughing at lines that weren't supposed to be funny XD but the effects were AMAZING. And Michael Cain makes such a great Alfred... *hugs*

2005-07-01 [AbLam]: I know! Did anyone else think that 'Batman's' lips were annoying? (hehe...)

2005-07-01 [bloodsex and blasphemy]: yea they really were..

2005-07-01 [Panda-monium]: Happy Birthday Canada! *dances around*

2005-07-01 [Lost in Illusions]: happy birthday Canada? A country can have a birthday?

2005-07-01 [AbLam]: YES!!!! Today we have fireworks and festivals!!WHEEE! Yeah sure, why not? Like the 4th of July is happy birthday USA.

2005-07-01 [*~A Cure For Contempt~*]: Weee! I heart Canada! I have gotta go there moooore!

2005-07-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Hehe I like canda

2005-07-01 [AbLam]: Me too....hehe....I'ma gonna put the national anthem on my house!

2005-07-01 [// Grace //.And..Bend]: Good idea...

2005-07-01 [Rambert]: My dad is from Canada! Go Canucks!

2005-07-02 [AbLam]: Ah, what a kick ass country.

2005-07-02 [Spanakopida]: Sigh. Somebody destroyed my wiki today.

2005-07-02 [AbLam]: Which one?

2005-07-02 [AbLam]: Asshole! (the wiki destroyer). Looks like it's guard reporting time...

2005-07-02 [Spanakopida]: pro-pink banners and pro-pink members I already reported them, but it's a clone house. Why do people have such a problem with a goddammed colour?

2005-07-02 [AbLam]: I have no clue. They probably thought it was funny.

2005-07-03 [girl. interrupted.]:

tanx 2 u they made me cleean up ma language bitch
u suck burn
i have a secret u suck-[whore with a cause]. *sigh.* this conversation is fast approaching below pointless.

2005-07-03 [girl. interrupted.]: sorry, now her name is [Happy to be.]

2005-07-03 [girl. interrupted.]: [girl. interrupted.]----> Aww, poor baby, now you actually have to be literate. My heart bleeds for you.

2005-07-03 [Goldice]: hasn't already?

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: Haha, this girl cracks me up!

2005-07-03 [girl. interrupted.]: Eeek, back to the new Batman movie, Dr. Crane (played by Cillian Murphy) was EXTREMELY hot!!!!!!!

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: I agree. He has nice lips. ^_^.

2005-07-03 [Lost in Illusions]: does anyone think my house looks completely insulting?

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: Um, I guess you could call some of it offensive...why?

2005-07-03 [Lost in Illusions]: just curious ^^ I'm not apologizing for any of it.

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: Okay then.

2005-07-03 [Lost in Illusions]: wow. Everyone's feeling kinda moody, huh?

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: Well, I wasn't exactlys ure how to respond to that^^.

2005-07-03 [Lost in Illusions]: well, I was just curious, because the thing in ET now seems to be clearing out "offensive" houses.

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: I if you have too many 'sexual references' or whatever...

2005-07-03 [Lost in Illusions]: or too many profanities on the house. or the wrong type of profanities, like "cunt" etc. But if I put them on my house, they dont have to look.

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: Yeah, but they will. You are on first offenders, by the way. It's on blacklisting for cyberers. Don't ask me, cause you don't cyber...

2005-07-03 [Lost in Illusions]: YAY! They dont even approach me! Such idiots. Gotta love'em.

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: They're not idiots. They just don't like you. :D

2005-07-03 [AbLam]: But why do they find [Lost in Illusions] an 'offensive' name? I mean, even your old names [Oblivion's Lover] and [Whore for Love] weren't that offensive...

2005-07-03 [Lost in Illusions]: [Whore for love] I can see being slightly offensive because of the word "whore" but it's the social stigma placed on that word that is offensive. If you just say it, it means nothing more than a respectable woman/man selling his/her services to a person in want of htem. And this name is more offensive to me, if anyone. Also, as i said on there, it is their fault for reading my profile.

2005-07-04 [girl. interrupted.]: hey ur hott. hey my name is tim. i am damien.--> all from the same person.[i am Damien]...if that isn't hi-mail i don't know what is. Of course, upon finding out it was my sister playing a prank on me i became considerably less mad about it.

2005-07-04 [girl. interrupted.]: Yeah, I don't really understand the whole going after your name thing...I find that a little bit over the edge. Hey, anyone here anti-abortion?

2005-07-04 [.that is when the world will end.]: You guy don know anything. hey smokeygal message me

2005-07-04 [.that is when the world will end.]: i have better things to do then waste my times here Figuring out who is goth and who is Not goth. Dontchyou guys have Anything better to do?

2005-07-04 [AbLam]: Ughh! Get off this wiki you freak. Go worship the straight god or something, homophobe!

2005-07-04 [Lost in Illusions]: wow. This is funny. The only argumentation you state for being straight is that it is "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve" which, to me, is completely implausible. True, Genesis was written based on the process of procreation, but you probably also abhor incest and, lets face, someone had to be fucking their sister or parents back during the time of creation. As for the anti-homosexual argument, the only argument that holds any merit whatsoever is in Leviticus, which states, "man shall not lay with man in the same way he lays with woman," which does not mean that homosexuality is an "abomination" but that the ideal sexual procreation would not be apparent with two men.

2005-07-04 [AbLam]: Yeah, he's obviously looking for attention! And then he asks Smokeygal to message him...

2005-07-04 [Lost in Illusions]: Now, on to the funnier parts. You say you support the straight way, and that you have a girlfriend, but you must be fairly stupid to put "same sex" under sexual preferences in your house. Not to mention, why waste your time trying to pick up smokeygal and insult us. To answer your question, I do have better things to do, but not now.

2005-07-04 [girl. interrupted.]: Okay, who the hell is this guy? He's like, you're hot, wanna threesome? I am open-mined. I think he meant 'open-minded and if he is supportive of the "straight way" then he obviously can't be too open-minded. What an asshole.

2005-07-04 [AbLam]: Okay, why do people waste their time when they are as dumb as he is?

2005-07-04 [.that is when the world will end.]: i'm not dumb i just don't think theres a point to this wiki.

2005-07-04 [drakkar]: when you think about it all things are pointless we just justify them and that gives them the illusion of having some sort of purpose

2005-07-04 [AbLam]: Awww. It's sad when they don't even know that they are idiots.

2005-07-04 [drakkar]: yes the human race has gotten rather pathetic

2005-07-04 [AbLam]: No, the human race was always pathetic.

2005-07-04 [drakkar]: true

2005-07-04 [AbLam]: Yeah well anyways...

2005-07-04 [Lost in Illusions]: "losing faith in humanity, one person at a time." That pretty much says it all.

2005-07-04 [Rambert]: "The more people I meet, the more I like my dog." That is so my philosophy right there... I love my dawg! *huggles*

2005-07-05 [girl. interrupted.]: Ok, the name [.that is when the world will end.] should say it all. the number 69 itself is so overused anyways...

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah. Well, any numbers after the name just look stupid. As I said on my house "_666_ does not make you look cool." It's quite idiotic.

2005-07-05 [Rambert]: *is hurt*

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: well, ages are a different thing, but shit like "666" "69" shit like that just looks stupid. I have my age after a few of my screen names.

2005-07-05 [Rambert]: *feels better*

2005-07-05 [.that is when the world will end.]: you guyz are stupi. 69 is just the position i like 2 have sex in. u got a probleme deal with it! btw did u kno i weigh 197 pounds of pure muscle/

2005-07-05 [Rambert]: Yah-- and you're a homophobe. You can go fuck yourself.

2005-07-05 [mutant virago]: Oooh, wow, 197 pounds of pure muscle? Count me in for the party, big boy.                  ¬.¬ Jeez. Anyhoo, my number is the year of my high-school graduation. :) Oh, and if it's pure muscle, I take it you don't have a brain?

2005-07-05 [mutant virago]: and Jesus H. Christ, does it take THAT much longer to correctly type "to"? I mean, it's just one more character. I think you can muster up the strength, seeing as you're "197 pounds of pure muscle/", right?

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: wow. a) You look like I could kick you down with one hit, and b) if that's true, then you know the saying goes "the heavier they are, the harder they fall." ^_~ Finally, I dont have a problem with your sexual pleasures, but I have a problem with your argument against homosexuality. Tell me, do you actually have something to say besides "adam and eve, not adam and steve" or are you like every other typical christian homophobe? Oh, another thing take a lesson in spelling and come back to talk coherently.

2005-07-05 [AbLam]: HOLY CRAP! I was cracking up when I read the 197 pounds of muscle comment. I mean seriously! I'm gonna die laughing! He doesn't even have any argument against us! What an idiot!

2005-07-05 [Spanakopida]: No, I didn't know that you weighed 195 pounds of pure muscle. Thanks for that information. (:

2005-07-05 [AbLam]: God and look at how he spelled know!

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: thus, the suggestion for a lesson in spelling before coming back. But, knowing his type, he wont. He will just continue to argue and call us st00pid for being on here.

2005-07-05 [AbLam]: Yeah, jeez! We are SO st00pid!

2005-07-05 [prima rosa]: it might also be enlightening for that sexy hot skater boy to know that 69 is not a position you have sex in. It's a position you have oral in. But, if it is possible, i would like to see it! Though, dont pick him up on the homophobic attitude. Homophobia is where you hate gay people. He states his opinion on homosexuality. I think it is also unfair to ask if he's like every other 'typical christian homophobe'. i am your 'christian homophobe', but i am most certainly nothing alike him. I respect your opinions, respect ours.

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: well, what I meant by your "typical christian homophobe" is that all their argument consists of is "Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve." Also, I was simply asking him what his opinion on it was, since most homophobes I've met on this site (that support the "Straight Way") extend their opinions towards those people of the same affiliation. I accept your views, and I would especially accept the views against homosexuality if there were any plausible ones, but the only ones I"ve heard can and have been easily disproved.

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: [Kelaria Daye] yay, the cunt is back. ^_^ She's arguing with me on black listing for cyberers. Quite amusing that she thinks she's making a good point.

2005-07-05 [Goldice]: wow. have fun hun

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: she's quit talking -_- *pouts* That' boring...

2005-07-05 [Lost in Illusions]: now I'm going to have to find something constructive to do...

2005-07-06 [Grey Eyes]: I have the feeling I'm really late on this comment, but oh well =3 I just want to make fun of our Pure Muscle friend, because it is physically impossible. He consists also of bone mass, organs, FAT XD (it's impossible to be without fat), and he is mostly water ^^

2005-07-06 [Lost in Illusions]: you can have 0% body fat, but you have to consist of a bit of fat, even if none of it is visible.

2005-07-06 [Grey Eyes]: Yeah, that's what I meant x.x Like...the tissue in your organs are made partially from fat, which is totally awesome =3

2005-07-06 [Lost in Illusions]: yeah, I probably dont have that much body fat, but what I do shows up.. -_- because it's all in one place.

2005-07-06 [Grey Eyes]: I have pleasant plumpness ^^ I like my body-fat for the most part...except for that which is on my tummy x.x

2005-07-06 [Spanakopida]: I have lots of fat. I hate it. I wish I could tell it that our relationship just isn't working out, but I'm afraid to confront it. I'm a little scared of it. It's been known to lash out. I think it's been cheating on me, too, but I know if I say anything it will hit me like it did last time I even suggested it. ):

2005-07-06 [Grey Eyes]: =O M'dear, you need to get out of that abusive relationship...before it's too late.

2005-07-06 [Spanakopida]: I know, but...It's just so hard. I don't want to get hurt.

2005-07-06 [Rambert]: *to spanakopida* I feel your pain...

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: ^__^ I love it!

2005-07-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: hmm... this places looks almost interesting enough to join...

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: this won't end well...

2005-07-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: what makes you say that?

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: nevermind my opinion, I think you have to apease le cunt before hand.

2005-07-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: so i read... but this mean i can not talk here until then?

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: did I say that?

2005-07-09 [Insaniac Yoshie]: no you didnt. i never said you did either though. i simply asked a question

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: so did I...this is going no where, but yes yes, talk away.

2005-07-09 [Lost in Illusions]: Intruder alert. [</3]

2005-07-09 [spongemonkey]: T_T I told you it wouldn't end well.

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